Have a great idea for an invention. Need to figure out if it will work. 11:56 PM Dec 21st, 2007 via web
The more I think about my idea, the better it sounds. 12:42 AM Jan 1st, 2008 via web
Decided to actually start working this thing out. 3:22 AM Feb 12th, 2008 via web
Put pad to paper on my invention last night, haven't gone to sleep yet! 9:21 AM Feb 13th, 2008 via web
I think this is do-able!!! 5:43 AM Feb 14th, 2008 via web
To those wondering what my invention is, please know that I am working very hard on it and taking it seriously now. I'll let you guys in on it as soon as possible. 2:53 AM March 1st, 2008 via web
Work's been crushing me lately, haven't had a chance to work on the invention. 6:26 PM May 21st, 2008 via web
Finally got a chance to iron out some details. Time for some testing. 6:17 AM Jun 11th, 2008 via web
My coworkers at the lab have been very helpful in helping me design proof of product tests. Thanks you guys! 3:19 AM Jul 29th, 2008 via web
Just placed an order for over a thousand dollars of toxic chemicals. I guess I'm invested now. 5:44 PM Aug 2nd, 2008 via web
Where the hell is my tetra-chloride!? 5:43 PM Aug 17th, 2008 via web
Was a killer day today at the lab. Now I get to stay late and play with some fun chemicals. Going to be a long night tonight! 3:17 PM Aug 30th, 2008 via web
Been testing all week, nothing yet. But I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. 8:29 PM Sep 20th, 2008 via web
Just ordered some more tetra-chloride. It better not take 2 weeks again. 12:51 PM Oct 11th, 2008 via web
I swear to God, I hate the tetra-chloride people... 2:17 AM Oct 25th, 2008 via web
Whoo! Tetra-chloride! 9:45 AM Nov 1st, 2008 via web
Had a happy accident in the lab today, seriously. I think I have an idea for my product. 11:51 PM Nov 21st, 2008 via web
Made a break-through tonight and wouldn't you believe I didn't need the damn tetra-chloride! 11:13 PM Nov 30th, 2008 via web
I'm starting to get excited. The math is all adding up and I think I have really invented something here. 12:42 AM Dec 12th, 2008 via web
EUREKA!!! 4:42 PM Dec 15th, 2008 via web
Someone spilled some tetra-chloride in the lab today. I needed a good laugh! 12:36 PM Dec 22nd, 2008 via web
I have finalized a product and have hired a lawyer to prepare my patent documents and such. Wish me luck! 8:35 PM Jan 15th, 2009 via web
We have filed the paperwork with the patent office. I plan on throwing a party to announce what I've been working on this past year. 10:23 PM Mar 1st, 2009 via web
Big announcement party next Friday at the Edison Bar at 7pm. 8:37 AM Mar 16th, 2009 via web
Paperwork came back from the patent office today, we are a go for tomorrow night. 4:19 AM Mar 19th, 2009 via web
See everybody tonight! 7:14 AM Mar 20th, 2009 via web
It's been a long night, but totally worth it. I have some great friends and received a lot of good feedback. I'll clue the rest of you in this weekend. 12:47 AM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
As you may have heard already I have invented a condom that changes color in the presence of STDs. Specifically Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Herpes. 2:11 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
It works kind of like a cuttlefish in that there are ink sacks embedded in the latex and release in the presence of those diseases. 2:12 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
The chemical bonds that contain the ink are like work like locks that can only be opened by the diseases. It's all done microscopically and works with 98% confidence. 2:13 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
Thanks for the great comments everyone. Now the hard part begins. 11:14 PM Mar 24th, 2009 via web
I shortly will be talking with manufacturers to get working on a prototype then hope to start shopping it around. 11:30 PM Mar 30th, 2009 via web
Flying to China in 2 weeks to work out some final logistics and I'm already receiving offers from companies to buy it. 8:19 PM May 2nd, 2009 via web
I haven't come up with a name yet, but I'm thinking that's better left to the professionals. Thanks for all your suggestions! 7:37 PM May 5th, 2009 via web
Back home from a very productive trip through China. Visited 12 different factories in 10 different cities. I didn't even had time to see the Great Wall :-( 1:44 PM May 24th, 2009 via web
Closing on a deal with a buyer tomorrow. Wish me luck! 7:35 AM Jun 5th, 2009 via web
Sorry I've been gone a few days. I had to fly to Japan to meet with some executives at a sex toy company. SOLD IT!!! 1:29 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via web
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I will not be returning to the lab because the company that bought my product have hired me on as a chief engineer. I'm moving to Japan! 10:47 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via web
I can now say that Sekushīna Nazo, a toy manufacturer in Japan is working on producing the condom. 10:45 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
This will be their first condom but they are already familiar with the materials and processes. Plus they have a brilliant marketing team with some great ideas. 10:47 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
First they plan on marketing it as a novelty in Japan. Then as we further refine the product they plan on getting some scientific credibility. 10:48 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
Sorry I haven't been updating. I'm now in Japan and the Ika 烏賊 Condom is selling faster than we can produce! 7:28 PM Dec 1st, 2009 via web
I have finished work on the next generation Ika and now you can choose from Red, original Blue, Green, and now Glow-in-the-Dark! 4:58 AM Apr 4th, 2010 via web
In only 6 months we have sold 10 million Ikas. Look out America, here we come! 12:18 PM Apr 14th, 2010 via web
I have a great team of scientists working with me now and the Ika now comes with 99.98% efficacy! 1:14 PM Jun 1st, 2010 via web
Have finally added HIV detection to the Ika! Lots of work had to go into this. Thank you to all my coworkers and friends for their support! 10:57 AM Sep 24th, 2010 via web
Unfortunately the company feels that marketing the Ika as a novelty is the best way to sell the most product. I feel it somewhat de-legitimizes my work. Not a good day. 8:52 AM Oct 4th, 2010 via web
Good news; Sekushīna Nazo has announced that they will start selling the Ika in the US and Europe under the current name. 1:43 PM Oct 31st, 2010 via web
Bad news; because the company does not want to work with regulatory bodies, (FDA) the Ika will only be sold as a toy and all kinds of warnings must be placed on the packaging 6:49 AM Nov 6th, 2010 via web
The US media got a hold of the story and everyone is decrying it as harmful to society. Et tu John Stewart? 4:45 PM Nov 30th, 2010 via web
The critics are saying that the Ika will encourage kids to get STDs in order to make the toy work. TOY!? 8:36 AM Dec 3rd, 2010 via web
So now the Ika needs to be outlawed. We haven't even began to sell the product yet in the US, but it has already contributed to the deterioration of society. 2:50 AM Dec 6th, 2010 via web
I might not ever move back to the US. This is just stupid. It's like the entire country's brains are atrophied from common sense. 11:26 AM Dec 7th, 2010 via web
On the plus side, we have sold over 1 million Ikas in 1 week in the US. Total world sales are fast approaching 100 million. 9:16 PM Dec 20th, 2010 via web
On the same day that we passed 100 million units sold, South Carolina has banned it. Way to go South; break those stereotypes. 12:20 AM Jan 21st, 2011 via web
Now with 12 states outlawing the Ika, the US Congress has announced an investigation into the "matter." 6:22 PM May 31st, 2011 via web
Guess I'm coming home next week. If you need me, I'll be in D.C. Look for the guy getting publicly flogged. 7:32 PM Jun 12th, 2011 via web
The Sekushīna Nazo lawyers have prepped me and now boarding the plane to Washington. Wish me luck. 5:49 AM Jun 14th, 2011 via web
Thanks for every-one's support through these hard times. You guys are the best. 2:19 PM Jun 20th, 2011 via web
Went home to visit with the family. Got served. Literally. I'm being sued. 6:26 PM Jun 25th, 2011 via web
Sekushīna Nazo has made it clear that as the face of Ika Condoms I am now a liability and for the good of the company and must be severed from the structure. 4:27 AM Aug 1st, 2011 via web
I was set to fly back to Japan to get my stuff and move, but it just arrived at my mom's house today in a pod container. Now I have to pay to have it removed or taken somewhere. 7:50 PM Aug 15th, 2011 via web
I am getting death threats daily now. Can't leave the house. 4:11 AM Aug 31st, 2011 via web
Feeling very alone and abandoned. 9:20 PM Sep 11th, 2011 via web
Congress is working on a bill to outlaw the Ika. Protesters outside my house. 2:48 AM Oct 3rd, 2011 via web
I have to go to court this morning to begin the suit. The state patrol has offered to escort me due to security threats. 7:19 AM Oct 13th, 2011 via web
Attention Readers: It has come to the attention of Twitter management and it is our unfortunate duty to notify you that the account holder has been killed in a public and graphic nature. Due to its publicity and the popularity this account has received we will keep the posts open with comments disabled for a short time. Please remember to be respectful and keep everyone involved in this incident in your thoughts and prayers. -Twitter Management 8:13 AM Oct 14th, 2011
The more I think about my idea, the better it sounds. 12:42 AM Jan 1st, 2008 via web
Decided to actually start working this thing out. 3:22 AM Feb 12th, 2008 via web
Put pad to paper on my invention last night, haven't gone to sleep yet! 9:21 AM Feb 13th, 2008 via web
I think this is do-able!!! 5:43 AM Feb 14th, 2008 via web
To those wondering what my invention is, please know that I am working very hard on it and taking it seriously now. I'll let you guys in on it as soon as possible. 2:53 AM March 1st, 2008 via web
Work's been crushing me lately, haven't had a chance to work on the invention. 6:26 PM May 21st, 2008 via web
Finally got a chance to iron out some details. Time for some testing. 6:17 AM Jun 11th, 2008 via web
My coworkers at the lab have been very helpful in helping me design proof of product tests. Thanks you guys! 3:19 AM Jul 29th, 2008 via web
Just placed an order for over a thousand dollars of toxic chemicals. I guess I'm invested now. 5:44 PM Aug 2nd, 2008 via web
Where the hell is my tetra-chloride!? 5:43 PM Aug 17th, 2008 via web
Was a killer day today at the lab. Now I get to stay late and play with some fun chemicals. Going to be a long night tonight! 3:17 PM Aug 30th, 2008 via web
Been testing all week, nothing yet. But I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. 8:29 PM Sep 20th, 2008 via web
Just ordered some more tetra-chloride. It better not take 2 weeks again. 12:51 PM Oct 11th, 2008 via web
I swear to God, I hate the tetra-chloride people... 2:17 AM Oct 25th, 2008 via web
Whoo! Tetra-chloride! 9:45 AM Nov 1st, 2008 via web
Had a happy accident in the lab today, seriously. I think I have an idea for my product. 11:51 PM Nov 21st, 2008 via web
Made a break-through tonight and wouldn't you believe I didn't need the damn tetra-chloride! 11:13 PM Nov 30th, 2008 via web
I'm starting to get excited. The math is all adding up and I think I have really invented something here. 12:42 AM Dec 12th, 2008 via web
EUREKA!!! 4:42 PM Dec 15th, 2008 via web
Someone spilled some tetra-chloride in the lab today. I needed a good laugh! 12:36 PM Dec 22nd, 2008 via web
I have finalized a product and have hired a lawyer to prepare my patent documents and such. Wish me luck! 8:35 PM Jan 15th, 2009 via web
We have filed the paperwork with the patent office. I plan on throwing a party to announce what I've been working on this past year. 10:23 PM Mar 1st, 2009 via web
Big announcement party next Friday at the Edison Bar at 7pm. 8:37 AM Mar 16th, 2009 via web
Paperwork came back from the patent office today, we are a go for tomorrow night. 4:19 AM Mar 19th, 2009 via web
See everybody tonight! 7:14 AM Mar 20th, 2009 via web
It's been a long night, but totally worth it. I have some great friends and received a lot of good feedback. I'll clue the rest of you in this weekend. 12:47 AM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
As you may have heard already I have invented a condom that changes color in the presence of STDs. Specifically Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Herpes. 2:11 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
It works kind of like a cuttlefish in that there are ink sacks embedded in the latex and release in the presence of those diseases. 2:12 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
The chemical bonds that contain the ink are like work like locks that can only be opened by the diseases. It's all done microscopically and works with 98% confidence. 2:13 PM Mar 21st, 2009 via web
Thanks for the great comments everyone. Now the hard part begins. 11:14 PM Mar 24th, 2009 via web
I shortly will be talking with manufacturers to get working on a prototype then hope to start shopping it around. 11:30 PM Mar 30th, 2009 via web
Flying to China in 2 weeks to work out some final logistics and I'm already receiving offers from companies to buy it. 8:19 PM May 2nd, 2009 via web
I haven't come up with a name yet, but I'm thinking that's better left to the professionals. Thanks for all your suggestions! 7:37 PM May 5th, 2009 via web
Back home from a very productive trip through China. Visited 12 different factories in 10 different cities. I didn't even had time to see the Great Wall :-( 1:44 PM May 24th, 2009 via web
Closing on a deal with a buyer tomorrow. Wish me luck! 7:35 AM Jun 5th, 2009 via web
Sorry I've been gone a few days. I had to fly to Japan to meet with some executives at a sex toy company. SOLD IT!!! 1:29 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via web
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I will not be returning to the lab because the company that bought my product have hired me on as a chief engineer. I'm moving to Japan! 10:47 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via web
I can now say that Sekushīna Nazo, a toy manufacturer in Japan is working on producing the condom. 10:45 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
This will be their first condom but they are already familiar with the materials and processes. Plus they have a brilliant marketing team with some great ideas. 10:47 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
First they plan on marketing it as a novelty in Japan. Then as we further refine the product they plan on getting some scientific credibility. 10:48 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via web
Sorry I haven't been updating. I'm now in Japan and the Ika 烏賊 Condom is selling faster than we can produce! 7:28 PM Dec 1st, 2009 via web
I have finished work on the next generation Ika and now you can choose from Red, original Blue, Green, and now Glow-in-the-Dark! 4:58 AM Apr 4th, 2010 via web
In only 6 months we have sold 10 million Ikas. Look out America, here we come! 12:18 PM Apr 14th, 2010 via web
I have a great team of scientists working with me now and the Ika now comes with 99.98% efficacy! 1:14 PM Jun 1st, 2010 via web
Have finally added HIV detection to the Ika! Lots of work had to go into this. Thank you to all my coworkers and friends for their support! 10:57 AM Sep 24th, 2010 via web
Unfortunately the company feels that marketing the Ika as a novelty is the best way to sell the most product. I feel it somewhat de-legitimizes my work. Not a good day. 8:52 AM Oct 4th, 2010 via web
Good news; Sekushīna Nazo has announced that they will start selling the Ika in the US and Europe under the current name. 1:43 PM Oct 31st, 2010 via web
Bad news; because the company does not want to work with regulatory bodies, (FDA) the Ika will only be sold as a toy and all kinds of warnings must be placed on the packaging 6:49 AM Nov 6th, 2010 via web
The US media got a hold of the story and everyone is decrying it as harmful to society. Et tu John Stewart? 4:45 PM Nov 30th, 2010 via web
The critics are saying that the Ika will encourage kids to get STDs in order to make the toy work. TOY!? 8:36 AM Dec 3rd, 2010 via web
So now the Ika needs to be outlawed. We haven't even began to sell the product yet in the US, but it has already contributed to the deterioration of society. 2:50 AM Dec 6th, 2010 via web
I might not ever move back to the US. This is just stupid. It's like the entire country's brains are atrophied from common sense. 11:26 AM Dec 7th, 2010 via web
On the plus side, we have sold over 1 million Ikas in 1 week in the US. Total world sales are fast approaching 100 million. 9:16 PM Dec 20th, 2010 via web
On the same day that we passed 100 million units sold, South Carolina has banned it. Way to go South; break those stereotypes. 12:20 AM Jan 21st, 2011 via web
Now with 12 states outlawing the Ika, the US Congress has announced an investigation into the "matter." 6:22 PM May 31st, 2011 via web
Guess I'm coming home next week. If you need me, I'll be in D.C. Look for the guy getting publicly flogged. 7:32 PM Jun 12th, 2011 via web
The Sekushīna Nazo lawyers have prepped me and now boarding the plane to Washington. Wish me luck. 5:49 AM Jun 14th, 2011 via web
Thanks for every-one's support through these hard times. You guys are the best. 2:19 PM Jun 20th, 2011 via web
Went home to visit with the family. Got served. Literally. I'm being sued. 6:26 PM Jun 25th, 2011 via web
Sekushīna Nazo has made it clear that as the face of Ika Condoms I am now a liability and for the good of the company and must be severed from the structure. 4:27 AM Aug 1st, 2011 via web
I was set to fly back to Japan to get my stuff and move, but it just arrived at my mom's house today in a pod container. Now I have to pay to have it removed or taken somewhere. 7:50 PM Aug 15th, 2011 via web
I am getting death threats daily now. Can't leave the house. 4:11 AM Aug 31st, 2011 via web
Feeling very alone and abandoned. 9:20 PM Sep 11th, 2011 via web
Congress is working on a bill to outlaw the Ika. Protesters outside my house. 2:48 AM Oct 3rd, 2011 via web
I have to go to court this morning to begin the suit. The state patrol has offered to escort me due to security threats. 7:19 AM Oct 13th, 2011 via web
Attention Readers: It has come to the attention of Twitter management and it is our unfortunate duty to notify you that the account holder has been killed in a public and graphic nature. Due to its publicity and the popularity this account has received we will keep the posts open with comments disabled for a short time. Please remember to be respectful and keep everyone involved in this incident in your thoughts and prayers. -Twitter Management 8:13 AM Oct 14th, 2011
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